
Trying to help improve peoples lives through the fourth generation wireless

Tag: microsoft

Commentary: Microsoft buys Nokia’s devices and services division

This is a big deal and a lot of people are spinning this negatively, but that isn’t reality.  In fact a lot of people on the Internet spin things negatively, but that doesn’t usually reflect reality.

Nokia is known for their phone hardware and mapping software and Microsoft is known for their Windows and office products.  With the combination of Microsoft Research and Nokia’s devices and services divisions I feel that this can be something like putting “Chocolate” together with “Peanut Butter”. 

There is a huge brand with Lumia and Microsoft needs to keep that brand alive.  With Windows Phone 9 in the near future along with this combination of talent I would expect some good things to come out of this.

If I was Microsoft though, I would start thinking about offering the following things to get people on your platform…

  1. High quality apps that are ONLY exclusive to your platform
  2. High quality content ONLY available on your platform
  3. Overhaul the look of the platform.  The problem with Windows Phone is that it looks too simple.  It needs to look polished in every way.   Put a layer of sheen on the titles, add in some rounded corners on the titles and allow more configurability out of the box.

   You have to give people reasons to stick around on your platform and getting a ton of exclusive apps, games, and content that only your platform has makes a difference that the other guys can’t provide.  I will give you an example of what I am talking about here.   Microsoft needs to buy “Netflix” and only put a next generation “Netflix” on their platform. 

Now, I know many people that read my Blog would not want that.  However, as someone that is building their own business would know, it’s the best way to really make a dent in your ecosystem that makes it unique. Anyway, see you next time.

“Making your digital life simple and wire free.”


An old browser that is new again

I wanted to post an opinion this week.  I know that many people won’t like this piece, but I thought I would just give my personal opinion anyway.

After many years of not using Microsoft Internet Explorer I have finally tried the web browser on Windows 8.1 and I have to say that I am seriously impressed.

Internet Explorer or IE as I will call it from here on out is a very old web browser that has been built in to Windows since Windows 95.  It is one of many reasons that computers have been filled with malicious software.

However, that was years and years ago.  Today there is a “Developer Preview” for Windows 7 that you can get here.

What I really love about this browser is that it doesn’t have plugins (other than maybe Java and Flash) and that means it’s faster, more secure, and doesn’t need to waste memory.   It’s all very fast.  Yes, faster than any other browser that I have tried and it also now supports WebGL.  It supports all of the features of other browsers such as remembering your tabs, Spell checking on the fly and even suspends the memory of the tabs if they are not used after a long time and best of all it’s so much more safer than it used to be with better protection against malicious software.

The fonts on the screen look better and the entire rendering process is so much faster compared to other browsers that I was blown away.  I would recommend giving it a try for yourself if you have Windows.

Explore Outer Space from your web browser

If you always wanted to explore the Universe but you didn’t have a Telescope, this app is for you.  It is a free app for Windows or your web browser that features “Guided Tours” and allows you to search and explore the Universe.  You can now Pan and Zoom around the Universe just by using your mouse.

Click here to go to the website and download the app for Windows or try the web browser version all for free.

“Making your digital life simple and wire free.”

Office Suite for FREE

There are times when you need to write a report and you need access to some quality tools for writing or presentation.  You could use Libre office which has been posted on here, but I have found another and tried it out and it is quite good.

The suite is an office suite that gives you the ability to do Spreadsheets, writing documents like Microsoft word and Spreadsheets like an Excel clone.  This is the best free suite hands down that I have found and also the closest to Microsoft Office.  I have tried the Microsoft Windows version, but it also supports Android and Apple iOS devices.

You can download the FREE version here.

“Making your digital life simple and wire free.”